My name is Sarah Hunt, I’m an artist, animator, character designer, and game developer. I love cute things and pastel colors; I also love dark concepts and gritty horror. I love exploring complex ideas through fun and exciting characters. I run an independent online shop selling my artwork. I’m currently developing my first game, a prequel to Spodyssey, titled In Stitches We Awake. I believe making great games takes three main concepts: interesting aesthetic, powerful story, and interactive and fun gameplay.

merch design and store management

I run an online shop (on an independent site and Etsy) with 300+ sales and 120+ five-star reviews! I love designing fun merchandise for both my original characters and media I love!

I love customizing my packaging to match each order.

Here's some designs from recent pre-orders and products coming up!

character design

I adore creating characters, and using shape, color, and silhouette to portray the character’s personality visually.

I enjoy taking pre-existing characters and redesigning/reworking them. I like to use the strengths of the original design and see what I can adjust or suggest to improve it.

I have created many characters for my own personal stories

other concept art !

Yume Nikki Tattoo Commission Concept Art


I have been digitally illustrating for 4+ years! I can create anything from simple, cute drawings to elaborate paintings.

I love to mix cuteness and horror, and I take careful consideration in my compositions and colors. I enjoy making original art and fanart!

I love playing around with color, texture, and filters.

Game design

I adore game design! I strive to brainstorm well thought-out gameplay that is both enjoyable to the player and supports the story and themes of the overall game. I believe player interaction is vital to creating good games, and I want to make things that are not only fun, but are personally impactful and relatable to the player. I also believe gameplay is another form of storytelling, and that the best gameplay adds to a game’s writing in some way.

Lore and Worldbuilding

Character Design for Games


I am an animator of 5+ years. I have worked in both commissioned work and my own personal projects. My specialty is expressive and dynamic character animation. I love making silly characters move!

Pixel art & spriting

I make pixel art for personal projects and games! I have experience making animated sprites and sprite sheets.


I am very passionate about storytelling! I strive to create relatable, authentically flawed characters, and fun, engaging dialogue.
please click to enlarge & read!

dialogue examples

game development writings


game ideas/pitches


sound design

I make music, specifically tracks for my games in development. I have so much passion for sound design! I have years of experience in both theatre and choir, and play multiple instruments. Check out some of my tunes :)

I am currently developing a game called "In Stitches We Awake". Here are some tracks from the game, which all use the same leit motif!

These three songs use the same leitmotif, and represent one of my original characters. Each song represents a different emotional state.